Our Story

Pawz has had a unique and memorable journey over the past 10 years, much like the rescue dogs we love. It's been a wild ride—created with passion, it flourished, but when it got older, it was re-homed and almost forgotten. Pawz has faced bankruptcy, neglect, and mismanagement. But just like an old dog at a shelter, I won't give up on it.


My name is Garrett Pfeifer, and I am the new and forever owner of Pawz Clothing Brand. While I can't change the past, I can shape the future. I pledge with every ounce of my being to rejuvenate Pawz. I'm giving it a second chance at life, just like that old pet waiting for a forever home.


My mission is to embody the true spirit of rescue—putting animals first. I'll spend time every week at rescue shelters, helping animals find loving homes. I'll donate money, food, bedding, and education to organizations around the world, ensuring animals have shelter and a meal every day. Through creating meaningful, cause-driven clothing, and by providing authentic content, top-notch customer service, and unwavering love for the community, I believe we can build the biggest pet rescue donation organization in the world. But I can't do it alone—I need your help. Join me in this cause for change. Together, we can change the world, one t-shirt at a time.


Believe in me, believe in Pawz. Give us a second chance to rescue and save the beautiful animals of the world.


God Bless,






 The Statistics! Help me Change These!

  • Each year, approximately 1.5 million animals are euthanized in U.S. shelters. (ASPCA).
  • Animal shelters across the nation are forced to stretch their resources to the brink to accommodate an overwhelming population of homeless and at-risk animals (ASPCA)
  • Each year, approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide--and approximately 1.5 million are euthanized. (ASPCA)
  • 5 in 10 dogs in shelters are euthanized simply because there is no one to adopt them (ASPCA).
  • Approximately 1.6 million shelter dogs are adopted each year. (ASPCA).